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When the governors promote and implement the globalist policies in the country, the result is harmful for the nation. Nationalism unifies the people, whereas globalism makes them become like the separated islands. To save our nation, sincere politicians are needed who seek the people's needs and interests, say what they believe and have the courage to overcome challenges to achieve these goals.

Dr. Taraneh Javanbakht is the candidate for the People's Party of Canada (PPC) for Rimouski-La Matapédia for the 2025 Canadian Federal Election. She supports the required reforms in Canada. The PPC is the only federal party with the plan and concrete strategies determined to implement the reforms below in the country: 1. reduce the total number of immigrants, 2. stop the carbon tax, 3. stop the grants for globalist organizations, 4. stop sending money for war to Ukraine, 5. emphasize the unified Canadian culture, 6. stop funding groups that promote radical gender ideology and many other strategies that are found in the PPC platform (https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform), which will have direct impact on the drop of the housing prices, the augmentation of the pensions, the social and cultural protections of our people, etc. The other parties (liberal, conservative, Bloc Québécois, NDP, green) do not have these strategies for these reforms in Canada. Each year, billions of dollars of Canadians are wasted by the federal government for non-national purposes by sending funds to the globalist organizations (ex: World Economic Forum), spent for carbon tax, war in countries, etc. The programs of the other parties are aligned to the same plans. Choose the PPC that has the mentioned plan and strategies to save Canada.

Copyright © by Taraneh Javanbakht All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2024-08-10 (258 reads)

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